Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day Two

Hello again =]

It's been a chilly and frustrating day.  i have to say, i am really tired of job hunting.  i kept myself busy in other ways today.  i dug out the box of books that has sat in the garage since we moved to SC and then had to reorganize all of my bookshelves in order to incorporate them.  This task kept me busy for longer than it should have because sorting my books is almost a religious experience for me.  i get very emotionally attached to concepts and characters.  i like my books to be next to books i think they'd get along with if they were human and i also wanted to sort what i have read vs. what i haven't read... vs. what i have read in part.  And then there was the matter of book size and shelf size.  And journal upon journal.  Oh dear.  i would like to have one of those walls that is lined completely with bookshelves one day.  Here are some other things i would like to have:
-a Cadbury chocolate bar
-a haircut
-a cat... namely, my one-eyed calico, Fiona, who is living with my mom right now
-a good eyelash curler
-my own home
-a job
-a sewing machine
-friends in this area of the world.

It is awfully lonely in your world when you move away and know only your husband and his family.  It seems like everyone is busy but me.  hmmf.


1 comment:

  1. I know what you are saying. i have been living alone in the country for a long time now and its terrible. my best advice is to get busy! having something to do is the best remedy for not having friends. well, its the only one i know. maybe there is another. and for the sewing machine, check out your local paper and look for estate auction. (especially one for a sweet old lady who has recently met her maker) and go to it! my mom nearly always comes home with a $20 sewing machine! thats where mine is from, an aution. not to mention you'll find vintage dishes, sheets, quilts, hats, scarves, chairs, sewing supplies. ah, i'm getting excited just thinking about it.
