Saturday, May 21, 2011

How NOT to get a job at Aerie

i'm coming to the conclusion that i suck at job hunting.  i just hate it.  It stresses me out and makes me feel like an idiot.  i start ambitiously and then move on to the more and more mundane and embarrassing.  Next stop, McDonald's i guess.

So i was turning in applications at the Haywood Mall yesterday and decided it couldn't hurt to apply at Aerie, the American Eagle undies shop.  (Oddly enough, i could never see myself working at American Eagle).  i filled out the application form and handed it in to the disheveled sixteen year old behind the counter who proceeded to look it over.  "Oh, so you just moved here, huh?" she asked.  "Why are you interested in working at Aerie?"
-i want to imagine what everyone looks like in these underwear.
-i want to follow people around, tantalizing them with deals on "tangas" and thongs.
-i am fresh out of undies and could really use a discount.
Not.  i just need a job.
Next, she asked, "Do you have any management or retail experience?"
-This coming from a sixteen year old?  How about i have a Bachelor of Arts degree?
-Yes indeedy, i was the top lollipop salesmen of the Leetonia High School choir.
-Oh, this is a retail/management position?  i thought i was applying to be a model/bouncer.



  1. I don't know how I forgot how witty you are. This is a GREAT post!

  2. oh, heat n bond is this stuff that you iron on to fabric and then peel off the paper and it can be ironed onto other pieces of fabric. basically make your own applique. or patch... you know how some patches can be ironed on? its like that.
